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Young at Heart 人老心不老

Artwork by Vincent Mak, Special Thanks: Collaborating Artists and friends: Evelyna Liang, Wong wing-fung, Exist Ho, Ivan Fung, Hei Leung, Sudhee Liao, Lam wai-kit, Leonardo, Tin Pui, Kary. (Make-up Artist: Kary Wong)

Wong Wing Fung

Wong Wing Fung

「我是很期待可以留一頭長長的銀髪,保持心境開朗,不要太過stubborn,我想就算開始忘記和退化,能去愛人和被愛也可以活得快樂且美麗。」"I am looking forward to keeping my hair long and white, with a cheerful heart and a not-too- stubborn mind. Even though I start to forget things, I believe that to love and to be loved can make one happy and beautiful."

Ivan Fung

Ivan Fung

「願意參與50年後老人成為第一代火星探索者,為未來地球大遷徙作準備。」"I still have 50 years till I am 80s. If I have to imagine the future 'me', it is a bit too far. Anyhow, I would imagine that the technology 50 years later would be very different from today. Human beings may be developing Mars! Due to the advancement of technology and medication, the longevity of human beings are increasing. To keep the balance of the Earth's resources, the governments would want to hire old people in the name of developing Mars.



「我會試著跳舞,或許是用我的手或者手指?」"I would still try to dance. But maybe with my hands or fingers?"

Tin Pui

Tin Pui

「我會穿旗袍高跟鞋去歎下午茶。」"I will have high tea with my qipao and high-heels."



「我會是一個科學家,繼續努力做實驗。」"I will be a scientist and will try my best to do experiments."

Hei Leung

Hei Leung

「我會整天睡覺,我會厭倦生活。」"I would sleep all the days as I am tired of living."



「我八十歲會愈來愈〔精靈〕,隨心流 。」"My statement at my 80s——get smarter and follow the flow."

Exist Ho

Exist Ho

「但願有音樂和「土炮」( 燒酒)。」"May then be music and soju (wine)."

Kit Lam

Kit Lam

「到我80歲,我仍然想成為藝術家。」"I want to continue to be an artist in my 80 years old."

What does it mean to be getting old?


The generation gap has been mentioned recently. When I am thinking of what this means exactly to me, I discovered the fear of becoming old and out of date, and losing contact with others in the years of rapid change. I have been thinking of an idea that we are on the same sense of timeline in our world. Being young and getting old are different stages of life. The vibrant world of the young, the richness in life experience of the middle-aged, and the golden harvest of the aged all have the potential to inspire each other. Being courageous in life is not the privilege of the young, nor is having rich experience a must for the middle-aged, solitude and frustration a norm for the aged.


In this project, I invited ten artists to be put on makeup to imitate their imaginary states they would be at 80 years old. I took still photos and makeup video to set a still photo and video installation. The aim of the image and video project is to explore the projection of the various artists’ imagination about getting old, “Aged” as imaginary identities.


Vincent Mak Siu Fung ( Artist/ Co-curator )

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